Swami Vivekanand Homoeopathic Hospital is situated in a same premises of Swami Vivekanand Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital, Bhavnagar, Gujarat. The Hospital Premises has 10 O.P.D’s including Medicine O.P.D, Surgery O.P.D, Gynaec & Obstetric O.P.D & Dentistry O.P.D and the Physiotherapy Unit which runs on daily basis.The Hospital also has the facility where the patients can consult the allied doctors – Physician, Surgeon, Gynecologist & Pathologist, who are available on daily basis at our Hospital premises.We also have Orthopedic Surgeon, ENT Surgeon, Ophthalmic Surgeon, Dermatologist, Pediatrician, General Physician & Neuro Physician which visit once a week.The Hospital I.P.D Unit has 25 Beds, where patients with acute or chronic complaints are admitted for their treatment & all this also helps our students to learn at bed side.

  • O.P.D (Homoeopathic) (Daily)
  • Medicine, Surgery, Gynaec & Obstetric and Pediatric.
  • O.P.D (Allied) (Daily)
  • Dentistry, Medicine, Surgery, Gynaec & Obstetric
  • O.P.D (Allied) (Weekly)
  • Orthopedic, Ophthalmic, Pediatric, E.N.T, Dermatology & Neurology.
  • Physiotherapy & Yoga Unit
  • Clinical Pathology & Biochemistry Laboratory
  • Radiology & USG– Digital X- Ray Unit
  • ECG Facilities
  • I.P.D :
  • 25 bedded Hospital which includes- Medicine (Male & Female ward), Surgery (Male & Female Ward), Gynaec & Obstetric Ward and Pediatric Ward.